Digital Thermometer Functions
A thermometer is one measure that serves to determine the temperature of the object (the object / body).
The working principle of Digital Thermometers
Digital thermometer, usually using a thermocouple as a sensor for reading the resistance value changes. Simply put the thermocouple in the form of two wires of different metals that end, only the tip alone, together (welded). The point of this convergence is called hot junction. The principle works utilizing the characteristics of the relationship between voltage (volts) with temperature. Any type of metal, at a given temperature have certain voltage as well. At the same temperature, the metal A has a different voltage to the metal B, there was a voltage difference (small, millivolts) which can be detected. So the input temperature of the environment after the thermocouple is detected as a difference in voltage (volts). This voltage is then converted back to the current value through pengkomparasian with reference values and the offset value in the comparator, its function is to translate each unit into the unit volt ampere then used as a temperature scale that is displayed through the display / monitor in the form of seven segments that show the temperature detected by the thermocouple .
These thermocouples vary, depending on the type of metal used. Type of metal will determine the temperature range that can be measured (thermocouple temperature (low temperature) differs from the thermocouple to measure the temperature of the furnace fuel (high temperature)), as well as sensitivity.
In detail the working principle of a digital thermometer can be explained as follows:
Sensory form of PTC or NTC with a high level of sensitivity will change the value of the prisoner if there is a temperature which prubahan about it.
This resistance value changes linearly with changes in flow, so the value of this current can be converted into the form view display
Before being converted, the value of this current in comparison with the reference value and the offset value in the comparator, its function is to translate each unit volt ampere into the unit which will be converted to display.
Digital thermometer readings Measurement
Reading of thermometer measurements are performed directly from the display with respect to the existing line segment.
Digital Thermometer Calibration
Regular calibration using manual or automatic calibration, manual calibration temperature sensor which is subject to the actual heater temperature from 0 degrees to ofsetnya setting. Automatic calibration consists of heating temperature and the gain in circuit checker for komparatornya
Composer Material Digital Thermometer
Penyususn digital thermometer has a most important part. Constituent materials are as follows:
Sensor PTC / NTC
Comparator (OP-amps and the like)
Analog to Digital converter
Decoder display (eg TTL IC 7447)
Display (7 segment, LCD, monitor)